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Some Summer Finishes

Hello Everyone!

Ahhh summer.  So many distractions, so little time.  I am still stitching away here in toasty warm Massachusetts, but I've sadly been neglecting all my followers and not updating you on the progress.  What can I say?  Is a picture worth 1000 words?

Sorry to say the computer just doesn't make it down to the beach or the pool - sand, water, electronics - bad combination.  But, now that I'm back at my desk I can diligently share with you all the wonderful progress I'm making on my never-ending list of projects.

Mill Hill Dragonfly

Such a summery little guy.  Although a close up would be better you can kind of get an idea of the excellent teal and lime green colors on this one.

Lizzie Kate Green Flip-It Save Water

The third one I've finished in the series - I should have bought all 6 patterns!  I think this one goes in the kids bathroom.  Every little reminder I can get in before they jump in the shower for 30 minutes is worth a try.

Lanarte Quartet of Penguins

If you've been following my other posts, first there were 2, then 3, now 4 little penguins.  A little And Then There Were None in reverse.  I'm not really sure if there was a single penguin in the series, but if so, it's one of the few patterns produced that's not sitting in my stash.  So, I'm officially finished posting pictures of penguins - that is until I manage to kit up the Cross-Stitch Christmas Skating Penguins pattern.

Lizzie Kate Summer-Licious Boxer

This was a quick start and finish in just a couple days.  Just love the sun with shades up there and the little bees with their button wings.  Very cute little kit.

Now for some new starts to share with you.

Lizzie Kate 4th of July Flip-It

My daughter's selection for a new start this month.

Little House Needleworks Music & Books

My pick for a new start this month.

I'm enjoying most of what I have in progress at the moment so hopefully I can keep the stitching mojo going and share some more with you soon.  Maybe even share some of the progress on the larger projects in the works.

Until then I'm off to enjoy these long summer days!


  1. Congrats on the great finishes and new starts.


  2. lots of little stitches in those penguins, very cute - like the LK designs too, she does colours very well.

  3. Wow! Lots of wonderful finishes! What a great idea to put Save Water in the bathroom. Summerlicious is adorable! Have a great stitchy summer!

  4. I love all your projects. They all have such a whimsical quality.

  5. Lots of gorgeous finishes and new starts. I love the L*K ones the colours just look so beautiful together.


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